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CollectionMessagePackSerializerTCollection, TItem Methods

The CollectionMessagePackSerializerTCollection, TItem generic type exposes the following members.

Protected methodAddItem
Adds the deserialized item to the collection on TCollection specific manner to implement UnpackToCore(Unpacker, T).
(Overrides EnumerableMessagePackSerializerBaseTCollection, TItemAddItem(TCollection, TItem).)
Protected methodCreateInstance
Creates a new collection instance with specified initial capacity.
(Inherited from EnumerableMessagePackSerializerBaseTCollection, TItem.)
Protected methodGetCount
Returns count of the collection.
(Overrides CollectionMessagePackSerializerBaseTCollection, TItemGetCount(TCollection).)
Public methodPack
Serializes specified object to the Stream.
(Inherited from MessagePackSerializerT.)
Public methodPackSingleObject
Serializes specified object to the array of Byte.
(Inherited from MessagePackSerializerT.)
Public methodPackTo
Serializes specified object with specified Packer.
(Inherited from MessagePackSerializerT.)
Protected methodPackToCore
Serializes specified object with specified Packer.
(Inherited from CollectionMessagePackSerializerBaseTCollection, TItem.)
Public methodUnpack
Deserialize object from the Stream.
(Inherited from MessagePackSerializerT.)
Public methodUnpackFrom
Deserializes object with specified Unpacker.
(Inherited from MessagePackSerializerT.)
Protected methodUnpackFromCore
Deserializes object with specified Unpacker.
(Inherited from CollectionMessagePackSerializerBaseTCollection, TItem.)
Protected methodUnpackNil
Unpacks the nil value.
(Inherited from MessagePackSerializerT.)
Public methodUnpackSingleObject
Deserializes a single object from the array of Byte which contains a serialized object.
(Inherited from MessagePackSerializerT.)
Public methodUnpackTo
Deserializes collection items with specified Unpacker and stores them to collection.
(Inherited from MessagePackSerializerT.)
Protected methodUnpackToCore
Deserializes collection items with specified Unpacker and stores them to collection.
(Inherited from EnumerableMessagePackSerializerBaseTCollection, TItem.)
See Also