| Name | Description |
  | ConvertWithEnsuringNotNullT | Obsolete.
Ensures the boxed type is not null thus it cannot be unboxing.
  | GetEqualityComparerT | |
  | GetItemsCount |
Gets the items count as Int32.
  | InvokeUnpackFromT | Obsolete. |
  | UnpackArrayToT | Obsolete.
Unpacks the array to the specified array.
  | UnpackBinaryValue | |
  | UnpackBooleanValue | |
  | UnpackByteValue | |
  | UnpackCollectionTo(Unpacker, IEnumerable, ActionObject) | Obsolete. |
  | UnpackCollectionToTDiscarded(Unpacker, IEnumerable, FuncObject, TDiscarded) | Obsolete. |
  | UnpackCollectionToT(Unpacker, MessagePackSerializerT, IEnumerableT, ActionT) | Obsolete. |
  | UnpackCollectionToT, TDiscarded(Unpacker, MessagePackSerializerT, IEnumerableT, FuncT, TDiscarded) | Obsolete. |
  | UnpackDoubleValue | |
  | UnpackInt16Value | |
  | UnpackInt32Value | |
  | UnpackInt64Value | |
  | UnpackMapTo(Unpacker, IDictionary) | Obsolete. |
  | UnpackMapToTKey, TValue(Unpacker, MessagePackSerializerTKey, MessagePackSerializerTValue, IDictionaryTKey, TValue) | Obsolete. |
  | UnpackNullableBooleanValue | |
  | UnpackNullableByteValue | |
  | UnpackNullableDoubleValue | |
  | UnpackNullableInt16Value | |
  | UnpackNullableInt32Value | |
  | UnpackNullableInt64Value | |
  | UnpackNullableSByteValue | |
  | UnpackNullableSingleValue | |
  | UnpackNullableUInt16Value | |
  | UnpackNullableUInt32Value | |
  | UnpackNullableUInt64Value | |
  | UnpackSByteValue | |
  | UnpackSingleValue | |
  | UnpackStringValue | |
  | UnpackUInt16Value | |
  | UnpackUInt32Value | |
  | UnpackUInt64Value | |