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MsgPack.Serialization Namespace

MsgPack.Serialization namespace defines serializer features of MessagePack for CLI.

It includes a MessagePackSerializerT class which is convinient serializer for any serializable object, and its factory, a MessagePackSerializer static class. This namespace also includes SerializationContext which manages context information including serializer repository and configuration.

This namespace also includes many custom attributes to control serialization behaviors and enums/classes for optional or compatibility switches.

Public classDateTimeMessagePackSerializerHelpers
This is intened to MsgPack for CLI internal use. Do not use this type from application directly. Helper methods for date time message pack serializer.
Public classDefaultConcreteTypeRepository
Repository of known concrete collection type for abstract collection type.
Public classEnumMessagePackSerializerTEnum
Defines basic features for enum object serializers.
Public classEnumMessagePackSerializerHelpers
This is intened to MsgPack for CLI internal use. Do not use this type from application directly. Helper methods for enum message pack serializer.
Public classExtTypeCodeMapping
Implements mapping table between known ext type codes and names.
Public classMessagePackDateTimeMemberAttribute
Marks that this DateTime or DateTimeOffset typed member has special characteristics on MessagePack serialization.
Public classMessagePackDeserializationConstructorAttribute
Marks this constructor used as deserialization constructor.
Public classMessagePackEnumAttribute
Marks that this enum type has special characteristics on MessagePack serialization.
Public classMessagePackEnumMemberAttribute
Marks that this enum typed member has special characteristics on MessagePack serialization.
Public classMessagePackIgnoreAttribute
Marks the field or the property should not be serialized/deserialized with MessagePack for CLI serialization mechanism.
Public classMessagePackKnownCollectionItemTypeAttribute
Marks that the runtime type of items/values of this collection/dictionary should be encoded with closed type codes for polymorphism.
Public classMessagePackKnownDictionaryKeyTypeAttribute
Marks that the runtime type of keys of this dictionary should be encoded with closed type codes for polymorphism.
Public classMessagePackKnownTupleItemTypeAttribute
Marks that the runtime type of specified item of the tuple should be encoded with closed type codes for polymorphism.
Public classMessagePackKnownTypeAttribute
Marks that the runtime type of this member should be encoded with closed type codes for polymorphism.
Public classMessagePackMemberAttribute
Marks a field or a property to be serialized with MessagePack Serializer and defines some required informations to serialize.
Public classMessagePackRuntimeCollectionItemTypeAttribute
Marks that the runtime type of items/values of this collection/dictionary should be encoded with type information for polymorphism.
Public classMessagePackRuntimeDictionaryKeyTypeAttribute
Marks that the runtime type of keys of this dictionary should be encoded with type information for polymorphism.
Public classMessagePackRuntimeTupleItemTypeAttribute
Marks that the runtime type of specified item of the tuple should be encoded with type information for polymorphism.
Public classMessagePackRuntimeTypeAttribute
Marks that the runtime type of this member should be encoded with type information for polymorphism.
Public classMessagePackSerializer
Public classMessagePackSerializerT
Defines base contract for object serialization.
Public classMessagePackSerializerExtensions
Defines convinient extension methods for interfaces.
Public classPolymorphismSchema

This is intened to MsgPack for CLI internal use. Do not use this type from application directly.

A provider parameter to support polymorphism.

Public classResolveSerializerEventArgs
Represents event information for ResolveSerializer event.
Public classSerializationCompatibilityOptions
Represents compatibility options of serialization runtime.
Public classSerializationContext
This is intened to MsgPack for CLI internal use. Do not use this type from application directly. Represents serialization context information for internal serialization logic.
Public classSerializationExceptions
This is intended to MsgPack for CLI internal use. Do not use this type from application directly. Defines common exception factory methods.
Public classSerializerAssemblyGenerationConfiguration
Represents configuration for pre-generated serializer assembly generation.
Public classSerializerCodeGenerationConfiguration
Represents configuration for serializer code generation.
Public classSerializerCodeGenerationResult
Represents result of serializer code generation for each input target types.
Public classSerializerGenerator
Provides pre-compiled serialier assembly generation.
Public classSerializerRepository
Public classUnpackHelpers
This is intened to MsgPack for CLI internal use. Do not use this type from application directly. Defines serialization helper APIs.
Public interfaceIMessagePackSerializer
Defines non-generic message pack serializer interface.
Public interfaceIMessagePackSingleObjectSerializer
Defines non-generic message pack serializer interface for byte array which contains a single object.
Public enumerationDateTimeConversionMethod
Defines behavior of built-in serializers to conversion of DateTime value.
Public enumerationDateTimeMemberConversionMethod
Defines behavior of built-in serializers to conversion of DateTime value for specific member.
Public enumerationEnumMemberSerializationMethod
Represents individual enum typed member serialization method.
Public enumerationEnumSerializationMethod
Represents enum type serialization method.
Public enumerationNilImplication
Specifies nil implication in serialization/deserialization.
Public enumerationSerializationMethod
Represents serialization method for complex types.
Public enumerationSerializationMethodGeneratorOption
Define options of serializer generation.